
Welcome to the website for official university Policies & Procedures. Every employee of the Texas A&M University System  has a responsibility to promote a safe and ethical environment.  It is our responsibility to continue to foster a culture of compliance here at Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU).

Policies & Procedures

The Texas A&M University System (TAMUS) categorizes governing areas as follows: Policies, Regulations, Member Rules and Procedures. All TAMUS schools are required to publish, update and maintain the policy library on the school website.

Policy Reviews

All policies are subject to review at any time and each policy is required to be reviewed at least every five years. Any department can request a policy review at any time or submit a University Deletion Request Form to remove an obsolete policy from the library.

Policy Libraries

The Office of University Compliance maintains the Policy Library on the PVAMU website. The library is updated regularly to ensure that the most up-to-date information is available.

System Policy Library
PVAMU Policy Library

Contact Information

If you have questions or need assistance regarding a rule, procedure or a policy review, please feel free to contact the Office of University Compliance Officer below:

Craig Nunn
Compliance Officer III
M.T. Harrington Science Building
Suite 311
(936) 261-2117